FABClassroom: It's been a FAB Year in Yuma School District One


For this week's FabClassroom we head over to Yuma School District One in Arizona. 

Eighteen schools across the district implemented the Fab@School Maker Studio design program in the 2017/18 school year. From PD days run by iTEAM kids (a district-wide program that uses GenYES as the core curriculum) to first graders learning to design a cube in minutes, it was a FAB year. 

Meet the ITEAM Kids 

In February, iTEAM KiDS from 4th Avenue Jr. High hosted two FabMaker Studio PD sessions lead by middle school students. The students demonstrated the program on how to use the fabricator in the session. Teachers and principals were able to get hands on experience with the program and have student support.

Sunrise iTEAM KiDS explored the FabMaker Studio website for the first time in October 2017. They designed the shapes in the program and used the FabMakerStudio cutter to cut out their creations.  They are already asking when they can create and use the cutter again!

Carver Elementary iTEAM KiDS are inspired and worked on designing a 3D projects.  They created the object on the fabricator after they worked on the design and demonstrated it to a partner.

In the Classroom 

Rolle Elementary first graders learn how to use the program in just 20 minutes! Students then jumped in to the task to create their own cube! It was impressive to see how many of the student were able to make the cube on their own for the first time in less than 15 minutes! They were then challenged to explore and design other shapes.

Is your classroom a FabClassroom? We would love to highlight your school! To be featured in an upcoming post, send an email to andrea@reynoldstlc.org. You can also tweet your photos with the hashtag #FabMakerStudio! For more posts featuring Fab@School Maker Studio, click here.


FABSpotlight: Why This Summer Camp Gets an “A”!


Video: CUE18 Keynote from Paul and Peter H. Reynolds