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ED Games Expo 2020: Making in K12 & CTE Friday Showcase

  • Building Momentum 5380 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite C. Alexandria, VA 22304 (map)

Educators and makers of all ages are invited to the Making in K12 & CTE Friday Showcase at the Ed Games Expo on Friday, Jan. 10.

During this unique, hands-on event, at Building Momentum, meet the FableVision Learning/Reynolds Center team and create with  Fab@School Maker Studio. Paul Reynolds CEO of FableVision/Reynolds Center will be providing the closing remarks

DATE:  Friday January 10, 2020 2 PM – 5 PM 

LOCATION: Building Momentum 5380 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite C. Alexandria, VA 22304

RSVP: The Expo is free and open to the public. Attendees must RSVP online to gain entry.

About the Event: Maker Spaces and Making in K12 schools and CTE settings and in communities, and technologies that support students in being makers, provide the opportunity to apply learning of academic content and to practicing career skills, while solving authentic problems through hands-on and often collaborative real-word experiences.

The showcase will convene the developers, government representatives, and industry partners in the field of making, to discuss innovative models and approaches that are building capacity for “maker education” as a mainstream learning activity in schools and communities, especially in underserved areas.

The showcase will also include a demo session where attendees and local teachers and students will be able to demo a series of maker technologies and projects that were developed with the support of government programs while meeting the developers.

Preliminary Agenda

1:30 to 2: Networking

2 to 3: Opening Remarks

  • Allen Brooks, Building Momentum

  • Albert Palacios, US Department of Education

  • Paula Gangopadhyay, Institute of Museum of Library Services

  • A Short State of the Field in Making for K12 and CTE

  • Dorothy Jones-Davis, Nation of Makers

  • A set of “Big Idea” talks on models to support the emergence and sustainability of maker spaces and making in schools, CTE settings, and in communities, followed by Q&A with attendees

  • Andrew Coy, Digital Harbor

  • Cara Lesser, Kid Museum

  • Ben Stokes, American University

  • Ilana Preuss, Recast City

  • Alana Preuss and DJ Morneau, Games for Change

  • Closing Remarks by Paul Reynolds of Fablevision/Reynolds Center

.3-:3:30: Keynote Address: Scott Stump, Assistant Secretary, OCTAE, US Department of Education

3:30-5: Demoes of Maker technologies and Happy Hour

This event showcases successful ed tech products given a kick start with government small business grants through the ED/IES Small Business Innovation Research program.

More information about ED Games Expo here.

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