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Writing a Mystery Novel

  • TLC Studios 390 Washington Street Dedham, MA, 02026 United States (map)

Discover your inner detective with Jan Brogan, an award-winning journalist and novelist. With four published four murder mysteries, Final Copy, A Confidential Source, Yesterday’s Fatal, and Teaser, to her name Jan is poised to guide you on your writing journey.

Over four classes, you will learn:

  • What makes a good murder mystery 

  • How to mine your own life to develop a likeable, relatable sleuth 

  • How the right sidekick can help move the story 

  • How a little bit of research can go a very long way

  • How to work out an exciting plot and keep it moving 

This class is for adults, 18 and up: Students will write and workshop one or two chapters and create a blueprint to keep writing and progressing after the course is over. We will also discuss agents, publishers and publishing options. 

When: Monday, Feb. 24; March 3, March 10, and March 17 from 7-8:30 pm. Participants must register for all 4 weeks.

Audience: Educators

Cost: $200/person for 4 weeks

TLC Studios is located at 390 Washington Street in Dedham, Ma. There is easy, free parking at Keystone Lot (10 Eastern Ave.).

About the Instructor: Jan Brogan, an award-winning journalist and novelist. She has taught novel writing at The Brown University Learning Community, The Cape Cod Writer’s Center, The Learning Connection in Providence, RI,  Providence Public Library and Institute for American Universities in Aix-en-Provence, France. She served as manuscript revision coordinator and teaching instructor for the annual New England Crime Bake mystery conference. She authored an instructional article on writing and revision published in Now Write! Mysteries (Tarcher/Penguin).

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