Wednesday, July 25, 2018
10:20 AM 11:20 AM
Join Paul Reynolds and Andrea Calvin for a hands-on session at Building Learning Communities Educational Conference on Wednesday, July 25 at 10:20 a.m.
Their session: Paper Prototyping Bootcamp for STEAM-Powered Learning is your chance to get hands-on with Fab@School Maker Studio
When: Wednesday, July 25 • 10:20am - 11:25am
Where: Georgian Room at the Boston Park Plaza
More info click here.
From kindergarten to high school, discover how schools, libraries, and programs around the country have used Fab@School Maker Studio to create practical, affordable makerspaces using paper, cardstock, and inexpensive digital fabricators. This session provides hands-on opportunities for getting comfortable with easy, paper-based digital design and fabrication software tools. Participants experience the benefits of rapid paper prototyping, which allows for quick cycles of testing and iterative design enhancements - especially helpful within limited class periods. Explore research-based best practices, appropriate to get all students (PreK-12) designing and creating. We encourage participants to bring their devices.