Educators and University of Iowa students are invited to attend a free professional learning session on Monday, Feb. 12 after the 10 a.m. “Dot Dot Dot” performance that day. Reynolds and his team will lead teachers, preservice educators and other university students in workshops and conversations to further develop the creative spark in both their students and themselves.
Join us in welcoming author, Peter H. Reynolds, to campus to celebrate the Iowa premiere of “Dot Dot Dot: The Musical” as part of the Gallagher Bluedorn's Kaleidoscope series for youth. Based on the award-winning book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, this show celebrates the power of originality, self-expression, and opening our eyes to look beyond the expected. The two-day performance will be celebrated with a series of related activities for youth, families and educators. This unique collaborative effort between the Gallagher Bluedorn, the Richard O. Jacobson Center for Comprehensive Literacy and the UNI College of Education uplifts the connection between literacy, creativity and the arts. UNI students will have the opportunity to participate in all of the activities.
Pre-registration is required.
Contact communitygbpac@uni for more information or register here.